Box Update/Upgrades

Since putting “The Box” together in 2012 and winning a “Go-Box” competition award with it 2014, it’s been long past due for some updates and upgrades. One find in the flea market section at the 2019 Charlotte Hamfest was a RemoteRig RRC-1258MKii that appeared in mint condition. Just so happens, the price was right (half the price of a new one) and it went home with me. In its beginning, the RemoteRig was specifically designed to separate an Icom IC-706 (MKIIG) radio and control head via internet protocol. Basically, the RemoteRig would all you to leave the radio portion at home and take the control head with you. Later on with the popularity of the Yaesu FT-857(D), the Kenwood TS-480, and other radios that offered the remote mounting of the control head, the RemoteRig folks in Sweden, allowed these units to be used with other manufacturer’s radios. This particular version of the RRC-1258MKii required some slight modification in order allow my FT-857D to be used. Later hardware versions make this a lot easier. Mikael Styrefors (SM2O/SM2OAN/SE2R) at the home base in Nystaden was more than helpful to clarify some of the images and and descriptions on the website to make this thing work!

The original Motorola car-phone extension speaker was removed in order to make room for the RemoteRig. Being in the information technology world allows me to have access to some discarded equipment including some Dell branded under the monitor mounted amplified speaker bars. I attached this to a 1/2 rack unit panel and let it take up the top slot in the box. The volume control is easily accessible as well as the dual headphone outputs on the left hand side.

Some new LED lighting has been installed to assist with operating at night or in low light conditions. The Aura LED strips were available at Wal-Mart and have an infrared remote control. These are powered via a 5 Volt USB adapter.

Some amateurs and make their “Go Box” only usable for so-called “emergencies.” My advice is to make it as comfortable and as versatile as possible so you’ll have a pleasant operating experience no matter what the conditions are.