Heathkit SB-200 Restoration

This winter time (should have started last summer) project has involved bringing a late 1960s vintage Heathkit SB-200 up-to-date with some new Harbach kits.  So far I have replaced the power supply, added the soft start and soft key circuits.  It has the original Cetron 572B tubes inside!  This unit once was owned by the late Charles Leonard “Chuck” Miller, K4ULA, one of the first hams I ever met here in Ashe County.  It has been passed on to me by Duane Gervasi, KF4ZS, a fellow ham friend that administered my first ham radio exam.  So… this unit has some real sentimental value.  First contact on February 14, 2015 to VA3AAA in Ontario on 20 meters running near 600 watts.